What is Atlantic Dulse Seaweed?

What is Atlantic Dulse Seaweed?

What is Atlantic Dulse Seaweed?

Dulse  (Palmaria palmata) is a remarkable red seaweed with a fan-like shape, which only grows in the northern hemisphere in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Dulse is to the Irish what nori is to the Japanese – an essential pantry staple that offers fantastic benefits to our health and well-being. It has been used in food and medicine for centuries for wellbeing – from ancient times to the modern day. 

Dulse is typically harvested from late spring to mid-autumn. As with all seaweeds or sea vegetables, the nutritional profile can change depending on several factors, including location, time of harvest and drying method. It is a  highly sustainable food source, requiring no additional water or added fertiliser to grow. Our harvesters air dry it naturally, immediately after harvesting, to preserve its freshness for consumption and nutrient density.  Because it is rich in minerals and nutrients and is naturally salty, dried Dulse has a long shelf life if stored in an airtight container in a pantry.


Why should you choose Dulse from the Atlantic Ocean?

The areas of the Atlantic where Dulse grows are generally cleaner (less contaminated) than the areas of the Pacific where Dulse grows, so Pacific Harvest only offers Dulse which has been harvested from the Atlantic – hence you will hear it referred to as ‘Atlantic Dulse’. Additionally, Pacific Harvest’s Dulse is harvested from an organically certified area.

The Nutrient Profile of Dulse

Although all seaweeds nutrient-rich, containing high levels of minerals and vitamins, the ratios differ between them. For instance, Dulse has relatively high levels of iodine, calcium, potassium, manganese and iron compared with other sea vegetables. Read more about the health benefits of Dulse here.

Pacific Harvest offers Dulse in either a flake or leaf format – both have the same nutritional profile – select which format suits how you like to work in the kitchen best.  Download our recipe brochure or read here about how you can use Dulse in the kitchen.

Disclaimer: This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This information may include something other than the latest research. We encourage you to do your research and discuss your findings with a qualified health practitioner who can help you validate the outcomes in the context of your specific & individual health situation.

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